Wednesday 12 October 2016

Mr Grumpy Denzel

Hello everyone

Let me introduce Mr Grumpy (AKA) Denzel, we had him, not so loud “neutered”. He is not a happy bunny when it comes his turn to brushed, from the time we got him it has always been a battle of wills, who will give up first Dad or Denzel. Well let me tell you now its Dad, when we first got this little darling I had to wear rigger gloves to even touch him and he frequently chased the wife out of the run. But over time this has changed, now he will allow me to brush him for about three minutes and then he starts to grunt, if I don’t take any notice he will then hiss a little, if I then foolishly persist all hell breaks loose, his claws (lucky I cut them before I started) start to flash around like a ninja high on speed.

We now have a signed agreement between Denzel  and myself. He won’t bite or scratch me while I’m grooming him, hope he understands this applies to before and after grooming too.   

I Heavensangel Gabriel  aka (Denzel) promise not to bite or scratch my dad while he is brushing my coat.



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