Monday 12 September 2016

Persian Personality

Persian Personality

Persians are gentle, quiet, and prefer a serene environment like people who treat them kindly. Unlike some more athletic cats, they prefer lounging on a sofa and given the opportunity will scale to heights where they can survey their domain. Children are tolerated if they are gentle and content to simply pet him/her they will not tolerate being dragged around; some are susceptible to being dress up but not all.
In general, just make sure children treat your cat with the gentle respect he/she deserves.
Some Persian may be very vocal when looking for attention, usually around feeding time but on the whole a quiet meow will be heard to get your attention.

They use their eyes to do allot of talking; this can be eye movement or opening and closing of the eye in different ways. One common sign that a cat loves you is when he/she slowly closes and opening both eyes while being face to face with you.
Check out our webpage for more on Persian Cats & Kittens.

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